- Chinese fortune cookie
This blog is more than a blog, it’s a real book being written in real time. It’s a book I’ve been writing in my head for years as I lived it. I am setting down the story now as I continue to live it. I’ve written and published several paper-and-ink books, but I’ve never done one like this before. I’m making up the rules and learning as I go along.

The New York Times Book Review often publishes little tombstones called Author’s Queries, that go something like this:
Author seeking information, documents or photos relating to the life of What’s-his-name during his childhood years, for biography. Please contact so-and-so.
So I am posting a sort of Author’s Query here because there are still a lot of missing pieces to this story. The chapters I’ve written so far are not carved in stone; they may be revised as new material comes along.
I am going to shine a light into some dark and hidden places. I do so with the knowledge that I may disturb a nest of resting vipers. Justice Louis Brandeis said, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” The Bible says, “The truth shall set you free.” Mine is a tale that needs to be told. I do what I must do.
This story will have an end, as all things do, but I don’t know what it will be as I write this now. I hope you will decide to join me on this real-life journey to that unknown end.
How to reach me:
blog response
email xana@hoveyhouse.com
fax 978 281-7745
phone 978 281-7732